Saturday, January 3, 2009

Coronels at Christmas

The Women's event this year for Christmas was called, "The Best Christmas of all Time". The idea being that, just as kids anticipate Christmas all year and wish for it to go on forever, all of history from before His coming and after looks to the first Christmas the moment that changed the world forever.

Having young kids puts an exclamation point on Christmas like nothing else. Their excitement for it makes us almost equally excited. Every year it is always cool to hear some of their interpretation of the season. Karis was enchanted by the Weihnachts Markt. This is the Christmas Market that happens every December, and we have visited every year, but for some reason this year, the sights, the smells, the lights, the decoration, filled all her senses and she declared, "I love the Weihnachts Markt!"

Kaleb summed up the season the best this year by telling us, "Christmas is all about Jesus!"

Ezekiel was just content that we plugged in the lights of the tree and the lights in the window every day.

Anne noticed how much of a help Karis was this year in the baking. She has grown past the stage of "helping but not helping" to actually being a big help in the kitchen. She was also excited to help deliver cookies to neighbors and friends.

We have much to be thankful for this year, but all of it goes back to how gracious our God has been to us, His greatest gift being His son Jesus, who set aside His glory to become one like us, in all our imperfection, to be killed by our sin, but defeat it and death in the resurrection, Amen, Hallelujah...

Just remember what Kaleb says, "Christmas is all about Jesus!"


Becky said...

I'm so excited to see you guys on here! Now, I just need to find the time to catch up a bit with you guys! God bless you and keep you and your precious family!

foldreformer said...

I am not sure how it is that I just now am finding your blog, but I am happy to see you part of the blogging community! Glad to be able to keep tabs on our dear friends the Coronels!
