Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Church Building Update

First of all a big 'Danke' to all family and friends who joined in prayer for these two important meetings! We cannot go a day without your prayers. We have really seen that 'our battle is not against flesh and blood' (Eph. 6) These two situations have been coming together for months now. We have known that the year contract for our church building was coming to an end and had hoped to be at a place to support our rent from the giving of the fellowship. We are still a bit too small to maintain the rent at this point but have seen how the Lord is supplying favor from our renters to allow us to be in it four months longer than we had planned. This has really brought us to a deeper dependence on God 'giving us this day our daily bread' for the church building.

We called the saints to pray with us as we set up a meeting with our renters to ask for lower rent. yikes! We had a good talk with them and they sincerely wanted to but were unable to do it due to their own financial position. They were very encouraging and hoped the best for us. We ask you to pray for Mr and Mrs. Schem, they are a nice couple, she is Brazilian and goes to a Mormon church in the area and he is an older German man who is battling cancer. Pray for their salvation and for our church to be a blessing to them and all those who live in the building.

So our current situation is that we can stay till the end of January 09' but will meet again in December to talk over the possibility to sign a new contract. Pray that God would make a way for us to stay in our place. We really like it. It fits our needs, has parking, is easy to find, is close to the Autobahn exit, and not so far from the University. Even though we are hoping to rent it for a lower price, we actually have a good price for what we have. We have looked at other buildings and have not found any cheaper. God knows! We will trust! Prov. 3:5-6 & Phil. 4:6-7

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